May 03, 2011

New Roads

Added 9 new roads to  MotorcycleRoads.US:

1) Alabama: CR 87 - "Mostly sweepers but a few twisters. Most of the area is farm land..." East of Hunysville.

2) Indiana: Old Trail Road - "Gentle, rolling, twisting rural road with pleasant farmland scenery, open fields, strands of forest, and almost no traffic to speak of." Located west of Fort Wayne.

3) Maryland: SR 146 - "Nice country road. Old farm houses and nice curves." From Towson north.

4) Minnesota: Olinda Trail - "Scandia is a cool little town..." Northeast of the Twun Cities.

5) Missouri: SR 87 - "Great road over the hills and bluffs above the have the road mostly to yourself. There is a little bit of twisty fun in the middle." Off of I-70 west of Columbia.

6) New York (Ontario, CA): Niagara Parkway - "The most scenic ride in the region! A low speed route that hugs the shore of the Niagara River. Pick up the parkway in Fort Erie, ON, under the Peace Bridge. {From Buffalo].

7) North Dakota: National Park Road - "The park has wide sweeping turns, beautiful scenery, and wildlife." A loop located in Medora off of I-94, X24.

8) Ohio: Africa Road - "...through Alum Creek State Park the view is calm and beautiful. The roads are top quality with nice hills and soft sweepers." Just north of Columbus.

9) Tennessee: SR 16 - "Very fast sweepers, alot of fun." Begins in Winchester, west of Chattanooga.


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