July 23, 2010

State Route 555, Ohio

I recently received an email from Toots and Alan, S&S Carryout, in regards to a bridge out  on SR 555 and a recomendation for an alternative to the posted detour.

"Hello again This is Toots and Alan from S and S carryout on the Triple Nickel. Just wanted to post some updates on bridge closure on the Triple Nickel.About 4 to 5  miles south of Zanesville the bridge is being replaced and 555 is closed for repairs. If you dont want to take the posted detour which is not very scenic and doesn't pass our store, try 555 south out of Zanesville and then old river road turns to the left off of 555.

About 3 miles from Zanesville .(at the end of the first long straight stretch by the junkyard), follow this down river for about 12 miles then turn right on 669 and this will dump you back on 555 in about another 4 miles.

When you see 555 again just turn left and you will be back on track just above our store. Old River road is a paved county road which follows the Muskingum river and is a very scenic ride.
Also a note to those who placed orders at our store for the Triple Nickel shirts. We had a problem with our supplier and have not forgotten you. They should be here in another week or so and I will ship them out. Also I am trying my hand at a website to sell these shirts,I just bought the domain name and will be attempting to get it up and running in the near future.OHIOTRIPLENICKEL.COM is the address and email is ALAN@OHIOTRIPLENICKEL.COM
My wife and I hate the inconvenience of the road closure and hope you can locate us. Any questions do not hesitate to email us."
Thanks to Toots and Alan for this good information.

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