Added the following new roads to MotorcycleRoads.US:
1) Gerogia: SR 42 - "Not quite the same as the North Georgia Mountains, but they do provide some fun."
2) Illinois: SR 145 - "The route is very scenic with a mixture of forest and farmland."
3) North Carolina: East Fork Road - "Crazy twisty road that just calls out from the map - 'ride me!'"
4) New York: SR 5 - "Route 5 provides picturesque views of the Mohawk Valley. Several small towns line the route..."
5) Pennsylvania: SR 96 - A great alternative to US 220.
6) Tennessee: SR 76 - "Nice road to ride sweeping curves some fast. Lots of trees and other scenery."
7) Virginia: West Neck Road - "...sweep after sweep after sweep...through the farm and swampland of southern Virginia Beach."
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